
In a world that has grown accustomed to the noise of mass production and the relentless drive of consumption, we call for a return to the essence of craftsmanship—a time when objects were created with intention, sustainability, ethics and artisanal excellence.

1. Embrace Hand-craftsmanship:

We believe in the power of handmade objects, crafted with care and skill. Each piece tells a story—of the hands that shaped it, the materials that birthed it, and the traditions that inspired it. We advocate for a lifestyle that returns to simplicity, where value is placed on the handmade, the thoughtful and the genuine.

2. Respect for Materials and Nature:

We choose materials thoughtfully, understanding their origins and respecting their natural properties. We reject synthetic and harmful materials that damage our environment. Instead, we celebrate natural resources, using them sparingly and wisely.

3. Conscious Creation, Not Mass-production:

We advocate for conscious creation rather than mindless production. We believe in creating and owning fewer, more meaningful objects. Our homes should be filled not with clutter, but with carefully chosen pieces that enrich our lives and reflect our values.

4. Celebrate the Journey:

We honor the journey of creation—the joy in the process, the learning from every mistake, the pride in every finished piece. Each object we create is a journey in itself, a testament to patience, perseverance, and the beauty of taking one's time.

5. Reconnect to Our Roots:

In all that we do, we strive to reconnect with our roots—the fundamental human desire to create, to connect and to respect the world around us. We believe that by returning to these principles, we can foster a more mindful, sustainable and fulfilling way of life.

Join us in this movement. Return to the roots of true craftsmanship.

Create with respect, live with intention, and cherish the handmade.

Collaborative Design

anacorkidi welcomes you to discover the beauty of Mexican handcrafted objects from a new perspective. In collaboration with local artisans, we transform traditional homewares to suit contemporary lifestyles.

We honor craftsmanship as a reflection of what truly matters—community, tradition and happiness. Join us on a journey through the techniques, history and culture of Mexico's crafting communities to see how creativity and craftsmanship unite in objects made to inspire and anchor us in our everyday lives.

We are Ana and César, with our expertise in design and architecture, we believe that collaboration and innovation can drive positive social change for local communities by embracing and supporting handcrafts. With this mission in mind anacorkidi was born in 2020.